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Programming in C
  1. Introduction to Programming
    1. Introduction to Computer Languages
    2. Need of Computer Languages
    3. Types of Computer Languages
    4. Complier and Interpreter
    5. History of C Language
    6. C Program Structure
    7. The Main Function
    8. Header Files (stdio.h, conio.h, math.h .. ...)
    9. Review Questions
    10. Programming Exercises
  2. Basics of C Language
    1. Character Sets
    2. Tokens in C
    3. C Operators
    4. Backslash Characters
    5. Variables and Data types
    6. Primary Data type Chart
    7. Derived and Userdefined data types
    8. Storage Classes and Volaitile Variables
    9. Symbolic and Variable Constants
    10. Expressions (Arithmetic and C Expressions)
    11. Precedence of operators with examples
    12. Type casting in C
    13. Prefix and Postfix using sample program
    14. Review Questions
    15. Programming Exercises
  3. Managing Input/Output Operations
    1. Reading a single character
    2. Writing a single character
    3. Character test function (ctype.h)
    4. Formatted Input in C
    5. Formatted Output in C
    6. Control Strings
    7. Review Questions
    8. Programming Exercises
  4. Control Statements
    1. Overview of Control Statements
    2. If Statement (All 3 Forms)
    3. Nested If Statements
    4. Switch Statement
    5. Integrating Switch and If Statement
    6. The Conditional Operator(? :)
    7. Goto Statement
    8. Review Questions
    9. Programming Exercises
  5. Loops in C
    1. Oveview of Loops
    2. The for loop
    3. The while loop
    4. The do - while loop
    5. Integrating if and for statements
    6. Break and Continue statements
    7. Nested Loops
    8. Star printing using loops
    9. Review Questions
    10. Programming Exercises
  6. Arrays using C
    1. Overview of Arrays
    2. Memory Allocation in Arrays
    3. Single Dimensional Arrays
    4. Two Dimensional Arrays
    5. Dynamic Arrays
    6. More about arrays
    7. Review Questions
    8. Programming Exercises
  7. Strings and Character Arrays
    1. Declaring and Initializing Strings
    2. Reading Strings using scanf
    3. Reading Strings using gets()
    4. String Handling Functions
    5. Array of Strings
    6. Review Questions
    7. Programming Exercises
  8. User Defined Functions (UDF)
    1. Overview of Functions
    2. Library Functions and User Defined Functions
    3. Multi Function Program
    4. Return and Non Return Types
    5. Function Prototypes
    6. Parameterized and Non Parameterized Functions
    7. Formal and Actual Parameters
    8. Call by Value and Call by Reference
    9. Passing Arrays and Strings to function
    10. Nested Functions
    11. Review Questions
    12. Programming Exercises
  9. Structures and Unions
    1. Overview of Structures
    2. Defining and Declaring Structures
    3. Accessing Structure Members
    4. Initialisation of Structure Members
    5. Array of Structures
    6. Array within Structures
    7. Structures within Structures
    8. Structures and Functions
    9. Overview of Unions
    10. Review Questions
    11. Programming Exercises
  10. Pointers in C
    1. Overview of Pointers
    2. Declaration and Initialisation of pointers
    3. Accessing a variable through its Pointer
    4. Chain of Pointers
    5. Pointer Expressions
    6. Increments and Scale Factor
    7. Pointers and Arrays
    8. Pointers and Strings
    9. Array of Pointers
    10. Pointers and Functions
    11. Functions returning Pointers
    12. Pointers and Structures
    13. Review Questions
    14. Programming Exercises
  11. Dynamic Memory Management
    1. Overview of Memory Management
    2. DMA Functions (Malloc, Calloc, Free and Realloc)
    3. Memory Allocation Process
    4. Review Questions
    5. Programming Exercises
  12. Files Handling in C
    1. Overview of Files I/O Operations
    2. File I/O Library Functions
    3. Defining and Opening a file
    4. File Handling Modes (r, w, a ,r+, w+, a+)
    5. Closing a File
    6. Reading and Writing Characters in file
    7. Reading and Writing Integers in file
    8. The fprintf() and fscanf() functions
    9. Use of ftell(), rewind() and fseek() functions
    10. Review Questions
    11. Programming Exercises

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